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Canine Principles
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Canine Principles is a trading name of
CANINE PRINCIPLES LTDRegistered Company Number 11458645VAT Registration Number: GB300008875CPD Provider Registered Number: 60082The CPD Standards Office
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Canine Principles courses are externally accredited and have been reviewed by the accrediting body for quality and content.
Qualifications Canine Principles is an AIM Qualifications and Assessment Group recognised centre and has been approved to deliver AIM Qualifications. AIM Are an awarding body recognised by Ofqual.
Registered Provider Number: 161711
Each qualification carries an 8 digit qualification number that can be referenced against the existing qualification framework.
CPD courses are accredited by the CPD Standards Office.
Each qualification carries an 8 digit qualification number that can be referenced against the existing qualification framework.
CPD courses are accredited by the CPD Standards Office.
Age Requirements
All students must be aged 18 years+
Courses are assessed at the end of each module.
Qualifications Each module of a regulated qualification course, typically includes 2-4 written exercises and represent the module as a whole. Word counts and referencing guidelines are made clear for each assessment. Tutors will score assessments based on the agreed learning objectives. Students must keep an evidence file of all assessments for external auditing purposes.
CPD Courses The format may vary, dependent on the course. Typically, each module of a certificate course includes 5 - 10 revision questions and a single exercise.
Self Study Courses These courses are assessed via multiple choice quizzes.